Postdoc OT-23289
Post-doctoral position in statistics applied to multirisk assessment
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Présentation INRAE
The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) is a public research establishment bringing together a working community of 12,000 people, with more than 200 research units and 42 experimental units located in the whole of France. INRAE is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plant and animal sciences. Its research aims to build solutions for multi-efficient agriculture, quality food and sustainable management of resources and ecosystems.
Environnement de travail, missions et activités
In France, INRAE leads a large national research program devoted to forest resilience, the FORESTT PEPR. Within this program, X-RISK is a specific 5M€ project devoted to the assessment of multirisks in Forest systems, which includes both general methodological and more specific applied developments.
Within this context, this Postdoc position will contribute to the design of the methodological toolbox. Specifically, the emergence of the multirisk concept has been accompanied by a wealth of new terms, including “compound risks”, “cascading events” and “domino effects”. By contrast, measurements for the quantification of multiple risks remain scarce, and the extent to which novel risk metrics are required for multi-risk assessment and management remains yet unclear. Your task will be to explore novel multirisk concepts and measures and study to which extent they may contribute to better assess multi-risk in the specific context of forest ecosystems.
You will be hosted at Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE), a public research laboratory in Earth and Environmental Sciences from CNRS/INSU, IRD, Grenoble Alpes University, INRAE and Grenoble-INP. IGE’s main expertise is on mountain risks, but also includes broader developments on the evolution of risks and their components, risk assessment and mitigation, and decision support. IGE is an active member of the Grenoble Risk Institute. Research will be conducted in close collaboration with BioSP, a public research laboratory from INRAE focused on spatio-temporal statistics and risk assessment.
You will be in charge of:
- Reviewing existing qualitative and quantitative multirisk concepts, formal frameworks and measures with specific emphasis on the forest science context;
- Proposing new multirisk measures and study their properties;
- Designing graphical models of synthetic systems mimicking real forest systems exposed to multiple risks;
- Illustrating the pros and cons of the different measures on these synthetic systems.
Formations et compétences recherchées
- Background / training: PhD in mathematical statistics or statistical modelling.
- Previous experience: research in statistics applied to environmental risks; system analysis and/or graphical modelling.
- Ability and skills: conducting innovative research in theoretical statistics and programming in R, Python and/or Matlab; autonomy and capacity for initiative; interest for interdisciplinarity and interaction with colleagues and partners; writing scientific articles and contributing to conferences; scientific English European reference B1.
Votre qualité de vie à INRAE
En rejoignant INRAE, vous bénéficiez (selon le type de contrat et sa durée) :
- jusqu'à 30 jours de congés + 15 RTT par an (pour un temps plein)
- d'un soutien à la parentalité : CESU garde d'enfants, prestations pour les loisirs ;
- de dispositifs de développement des compétences : formation, conseil en orientation professionnelle ;
- d'un accompagnement social : conseil et écoute, aides et prêts sociaux ;
- de prestations vacances et loisirs : chèque-vacances, hébergements à tarif préférentiel ;
- d'activités sportives et culturelles ;
- d'une restauration collective.
Modalités pour postuler
J'envoie mon CV et ma lettre de motivation
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