Thèse OT-21613

Offre de thèse

Complex Systems Institute, IXXI, ENS Lyon, France

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Présentation INRAE

L’Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) est un établissement public de recherche rassemblant une communauté de travail de 12 000 personnes, avec 272 unités de recherche, de service et expérimentales, implantées dans 18 centres sur toute la France. INRAE se positionne parmi les tout premiers leaders mondiaux en sciences agricoles et alimentaires, en sciences du végétal et de l’animal. Ses recherches visent à construire des solutions pour des agricultures multi-performantes, une alimentation de qualité et une gestion durable des ressources et des écosystèmes.

Environnement de travail, missions et activités

In the last three decades, intermediation platforms have progressively revolutionized the
organization of multisided markets. They initially ensure the connection between consumers
and producers on two-sided markets, taking care of intangible exchanges, information and
payment, with in general no involvement in the production. The novelty is that they can
operate from a remote position, therefore over an unbounded territory. The largest plat-
forms are historically unique enterprises, with billions of users, reaching the top of market
capitalizations at meteoric speed, while profoundly disrupting societies at global scale. They
already dominate a large number of sectors such as retail, news or ride sharing for instance,
and are on the verge of disrupting other sectors such as health, education, or agriculture.
The rapid integration of intermediation platforms in agriculture is already transforming
global food supply chains and systems. The geopolitical implications of these platforms re-
main underexplored, representing a critical gap in current academic research. Understanding
the geopolitical dimensions is crucial for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and interna-
tional organizations. This research aims to bridge the gap and provide insights into the
present situation and future challenges of intermediation platforms in agriculture.
 Investigate the current geopolitical landscape of intermediation platforms in agricul-
 Identify and analyze the major challenges and opportunities associated with these
 Explore the role of key nations and international organizations in shaping the geopol-
itics of agricultural platforms.
 Study the potential impact and role of the platformization on sustainability, social
conditions, agro-ecology, food crisis, etc.
 Develop recommendations for sustainable governance and international collaboration
in the sector.

Formations et compétences recherchées

Master/Ingénieur (Bac+5)

The candidate should ideally align with the multidisciplinary nature of the research topic,
and possess a combination of educational background, research experience, and skills rele-
vant to the complexities of digital agriculture, geopolitics, and sustainable development.
The candidate should hold a master's degree in a relevant eld such as Agricultural Eco-
nomics, International Relations, Geography, Digital Agriculture, or a related discipline, and
demonstrate a strong academic record, with coursework in areas such as global governance,
technology and society, and agricultural systems. Familiarity with qualitative and quanti-
tative research methodologies, including data collection and analysis techniques. Exhibit
an interdisciplinary mindset, as the research involves navigating the intersections of agricul-
ture, technology, geopolitics, and sustainable development. Strong written and oral com-
munication skills, ability to communicate complex research ndings to both academic and
non-academic audiences. International exposure or experience working in di erent cultural
contexts would be a plus given the global nature of the research topic.

Modalités pour postuler

J'envoie mon CV et ma lettre de motivation

Les personnes accueillies à INRAE, établissement public de recherche, sont soumises à son règlement intérieur notamment en ce qui concerne l’obligation de neutralité et le respect du principe de laïcité. A ce titre, dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions, qu’elles soient ou non au contact du public, elles ne doivent pas manifester leurs convictions, par leur comportement ou leur tenue, qu’elles soient religieuses, philosophiques ou politiques.

Thèse CoEDiTAg.pdfpdf - 50.33 KB

Référence de l'offre

  • Contrat : Thèse
  • Durée : 3 ans
  • Début du contrat : Dès que possible
  • N° de l'offre : OT-21613
  • Date limite : 31/12/2024


Stephane Grumbach
Isabelle Piot-Lepetit
Venir en France Notre guide des accueils internationaux
