Understanding our public service corps according to your profile

When you register for an INRAE competitive examination, it is in view of a specific profession, one that corresponds to your aspirations and skills. So, you don’t understand why we are talking about ‘recruitment corps’. It's simple : when you pass a competitive public service examination, you are integrated into a specific professional ‘corps’. Everything is explained to you!

Updated on 21 June 2021


Becoming a researcher at INRAE

Being a researcher at INRAE means:
  • Putting your passion for discovery at the service of major societal issues such as developing solutions for multi-performance farming systems, good quality nutrition and the sustainable management of resources and ecosystems.
  • Expressing your creativity and achieving scientific excellence in research groups within national or international programmes.
  • Advancing knowledge that will lead to concrete and innovative applications, of use to society.

Besides these activities focused on scientific production, researchers also participate in the training of doctoral students and may teach at the university level. Throughout their career, researchers are often required to lead teams, take charge of scientific projects and participate in the administrative aspects of research. They may also file licenses and patents.

The different corps of researchers at INRAE

When taking up their position, researchers are appointed to a specific corps determined by the type of examination they have passed. They are French civil servants and are divided into two corps belonging to the A category of the public sector. A doctorate (or equivalent) is required to gain access to these corps.

Your profil Our recruitment corps Your mission Our examinations
I have a doctorate You may access the research scientist corps (“chargé de recherche”, CR), in the standard class grade (“Chargé de Recherche Classe Normale”, CRCN). Your assignments will mainly concern the development of the research theme assigned and the systematic publication of the results obtained. SEE
I have a doctorate and at least 8 years of experience working in the research field You may access the research director corps (“directeur de recherche”, DR), in the 2nd class grade (DR2). You will be expected to show quality research activity that is also visible internationally, as well as an ability to lead, in all its aspects, a European programme or a research team of significant size. You have proven and appreciated expertise with regulatory bodies or with organizations that focus on significant societal and economic issues. SEE
I have a doctorate and at least 12 years of experience working in the research field You may access the senior research director corps (“Directeur de recherche”, DR), in the 1st class grade (DR1). You assignments will involve collective responsibilities and research management. You have scientific influence that crosses disciplinary boundaries, as well as international recognition and a capacity to develop new themes or research strategies. No session for the moment

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What does a competitive examination involve?

Competitive examinations are a gateway to public sector employment, and the main recruitment process for permanent positions. The objective is to guarantee access to all while respecting equal treatment for each candidate.

28 January 2020