Receive career advice

Career guidance services are available to all INRAE staff who wish to reflect on their career, take a step back with regard to a situation, take decisions, or make and implement career plans. Each centre has a career guidance professional.

Updated on 02 January 2020

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These services aim to provide personalised support to:

- Better identify your personal resources (motivations, interests, skills)
- Make plans for advancement (training, competitive exam, mobility etc.)
- Obtain information on INRAE’s available mobility schemes
- Consider changing positions, departments, careers
- Overcome a difficulty at work
- Receive help in looking for a job or internal/external mobility: strategy, CV, covering letter
- Take stock of your current job, career and prospects


Each individual situation is different. The objective will therefore always be to adive you "where" you are: more or less questions, a project in progress or not, a situation that needs to be discussed, solutions to imagine, relationships to build, contacts to make, etc.

Learn more

You passed an INRAE competitive exam

When you pass one of INRAE’s competitive recruitment exams, you will join the ranks of France’s civil servants. You initially have the status of trainee civil servant, which will then become tenured civil servant following the successful completion of your training period. Here are a few guidelines to help you understand career development at INRAE.

02 January 2020

You are on a temporary assignment

Each year, INRAE has more than 3,000 contractual staff on its payroll, including 500 doctoral candidates. A charter on the recruitment, hosting and support of contractual staff is the foundation of the Institute’s human resources policy. Here are a few guidelines to help you better understand the administrative framework.

02 January 2020