Dedicated and dynamic teams

When you join INRAE, you will be entering a working environment whose quality and diversity are above all based on the constant mobilisation and commitment of the different teams that make up the Institute’s community.

Updated on 02 January 2020

© INRAE-Toulouse

Special focus on personal management

Whether you work in a research or support unit, your manager will ensure that you are welcomed under optimum conditions to help you understand your new professional environment. He or she will facilitate your integration in the existing working community and make sure you have all the resources necessary to achieve the missions entrusted to you.

INRAE offers all its managers a range of training arrangements and courses so that they can acquire the necessary skills and develop managerial know-how adapted to their posts. The purpose is to ensure they can provide you with optimum support to accomplish your missions, pursue your career path and deal with organisational changes or particular individual situations.

A word of advice: your manager is assisted by the unit’s administrative manager who will be able to guide you on a daily basis during your early days with INRAE and offer practical advice regarding your professional activities.

HR teams ready to listen

All INRAE centres have their own human resources (HR) teams which are responsible for listening to your problems, giving advice and answering questions about your contract, your career and its path or if you encounter problems of a professional, personal or medical nature.

All INRAE centres thus have:

- A human resources manager, 
- A personnel manager and his or her dedicated team,
- A head of ongoing training and his or her dedicated team,
- A career guidance adviser,
- A welfare worker,
- An occupational health physician,
- An occupational health and safety adviser,
- A disability adviser.

A disability-friendly Institute

If you have a disability, a skills adviser will participate in your professional integration, and follow-up on any problems.  A disability adviser is present in each centre to facilitate your professional integration and your host team will be aware of your situation and smooth your path.  A review is always made halfway through the integration process. Training, support or changes to your workstation and/or post will be proposed if necessary.

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Read more : a
 disability-friendly employer

Award-winning research teams

On joining a research team, you will become a member of a scientific community – of scientists, engineers, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers – of more than 5000 people from all disciplinary and geographical horizons, some of whom have earned a national or international reputation.

> Discover them in our portraits (coming sooon)

Learn more

Rights, obligations and code of conduct

INRAE staff members, whether they are civil servants or contractual employees, are representatives of the French state and are subject to the rights and obligations set out in the French Civil Service Code. As such, they embody the fundamental values of the French Republic and foster the values of publicly funded research.

In carrying out all their work, INRAE employees adhere to ethical values and principles of conduct, act with impartiality, integrity, dignity and probity, and seek to best serve the public interest.

In working at INRAE, staff members also promote and implement the Institute’s ongoing commitment to diversity and gender equality, its fight against discrimination, and its respect of the principle of secularism so that each person may apply their skills in an environment that recognizes and celebrates the richness of diversity and acknowledges that diversity is stimulating and promotes cohesion.

You will find below the principal rights and obligations applicable to public service employees.

12 April 2024

You passed an INRAE competitive exam

When you pass one of INRAE’s competitive recruitment exams, you will join the ranks of France’s civil servants. You initially have the status of trainee civil servant, which will then become tenured civil servant following the successful completion of your training period. Here are a few guidelines to help you understand career development at INRAE.

02 January 2020

Paid leave and working hours

This section provides information on the number of days of paid leave you can take as well as work cycle options.

02 January 2020