Engineering science and instrumentation

Engineering science is a discipline that utilises knowledge from a variety of scientific fields (mathematics, physics, and chemistry) and a variety of technological fields (mechanics, informatics, and electronics) to study and develop complex technological tools. INRAE researchers carry out this work to improve our understanding of living organisms and the environment; develop more efficient diagnostic tools and processing methods; and both model and map biological and environmental processes.

Updated on 02 January 2020


With a PhD or an engineering degree from a Grande École

Example I Researcher in instrumentation, robotics, and imagery


INRAE researchers in instrumentation, robotics, and imagery develop and use advanced technological tools from the fields of imaging, microscopy, remote sensing, and/or robotics to produce and interpret maps, models, and data with a view to improving biological and environmental processes. For example, using remote sensing and 3D models, researchers can obtain information from spatial studies of crop functioning that can then be used to protect soils.

In general, researchers must demonstrate the value of their scientific results. Value may be expressed in different forms depending on the field. Most commonly, researchers describe their discoveries in scientific publications, an important medium of communication within the scientific community. They often share their scientific expertise with national or international policy makers and/or the national or international scientific community. Researchers also train and teach students. Additionally, they may be responsible for managing technical, financial, and human resources.

Degree requirement(s) Portraits Job offers
PhD (or equivalent) Check out the portraits of our researchers (coming soon) See our job postings 

Example I Specialist in experimental development

Puce ADN-vignette

INRAE specialists in experimental development work to design, implement, and refine complex and specialised experimental tools. Their main tasks are to evaluate research needs; propose customised methods and techniques for measuring, characterising, and observing variables of interest; assess measurement constraints; design/improve the measurement process and the experimental process; coordinate the development process; verify and characterise measurement tools and methods; perform measurements; and analyse and verify the results of measurements.  

Specialists in experimental development have a variety of responsibilities. For example, they must produce generic or operational knowledge, develop scientific tools for researchers to use, build socioeconomic and institutional partnerships, and provide expertise. Additionally, they may be responsible for managing technical, financial, and human resources.

Degree requirement(s)​​​​​​​ Filières de formation Portraits Job offers​​​​​​​
PhD or engineering degree from a grande école (or equivalent)​​​​​​​ The fundamental sciences Check out the portraits of our researchers (coming soon) See our job postings ​​​​​​​


With 3–5 years of higher education​​​​​​​

Example I Engineer in instrument design


INRAE engineers in instrument design are responsible for fully or partially designing instruments with various technical uses. They also supervise and coordinate the entire instrument development process. Their main tasks are quantifying instrument dimensions and performance; defining instrument specifications and procedures; writing up the technical specifications in the user manual; communicating with suppliers (e.g., to select suitable materials and procedures, negotiate prices and delivery dates, and coordinate and monitor the process until the acceptance tests); running test trials; and performing calibrations.  

They help improve the experimental systems and protocols that they employ. They ensure that research methods and objectives are a good fit; they also analyse and communicate research results. Additionally, they may be responsible for managing technical, financial, and human resources.​​​​​​​

Degree requirement(s)​​​​​​​ Filières de formation Portraits Job offers​​​​​​​
Undergraduate degree, master's degree (or equivalent) Measurement sciences, instrumentation, applied mechanics, optical engineering Check out the portraits of our researchers (coming soon) See our job postings ​​​​​​​

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A good work-life balance

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

02 January 2020

A quality workplace

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

02 January 2020

Do your PhD at INRAE

Each year, nearly 500 PhD students join INRAE. Welcomed within its various research units and closely associated with the scientific production of the institute, doctoral students are one of the driving forces.

02 January 2020