HR policy: an ongoing improvement process

The key issues of our HR action plan concern career support (including contract staff), managing motivation and quality of life at work, international attractiveness, managing work community diversity, and prevention of occupational risks.

Updated on 02 January 2020

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The HR plan is structured around three main themes of which the foundation will be consolidated by the impulsion given to the support functions (staff management and statutory coordination, modernisation of HR support functions, multi-year prevention plan, career and skills development).

  • Theme 1: Promoting quality of life at work

Working to sustain and improve individual and collective working conditions by encouraging skills and career development, facilitating access to digital tools, renewing working methods, encouraging and supporting international exchanges.

  • Theme 2: Strategic management of skills targets

The aim is to identify the skills targets and the employment and recruitment targets, as well as to outline training objectives, mobility targets, and national and international collaboration strategies to be explored to meet the scientific ambitions.

  • Theme 3: Ethics of knowledge and integrity

The aim is to provide ethical guidelines and principles so the scientific community can carry out its missions in an impartial and exemplary way to serve the common good and to consolidate public confidence.

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A good work-life balance

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

02 January 2020

A quality workplace

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

02 January 2020

Dedicated and dynamic teams

When you join INRAE, you will be entering a working environment whose quality and diversity are above all based on the constant mobilisation and commitment of the different teams that make up the Institute’s community.

02 January 2020