Develop your career
Dans le cadre de sa mission de formation à et par la recherche, INRAE s'attache chaque année à accueillir et à former des stagiaires, apprentis et doctorants. Il veille également à l’accompagnement des parcours professionnels de ses agents par une offre de conseil en orientation professionnelle et de formation.

Each year, INRAE offers apprenticeship contracts to young people between the ages of 16 and 29 years and to disabled people without any age limitations.

In the context of its mission to train in and through research, every year INRAE welcomes several hundred trainees to its units for periods that range from a few weeks to several months.
Each year, nearly 500 PhD students join INRAE. Welcomed within its various research units and closely associated with the scientific production of the institute, doctoral students are one of the driving forces.

Career guidance services are available to all INRAE staff who wish to reflect on their career, take a step back with regard to a situation, take decisions, or make and implement career plans. Each centre has a career guidance professional.

INRAE is strongly committed to providing individual and group career support. Training is a key tool in maintaining and developing the skills of its tenured and contractual staff. Each centre has a training manager and dedicated team.