The INRAE experience
INRAE offers excellent working conditions for its staff and supports them in advancing their careers. This is reflected by commitments and actions that affect different aspects of your professional life on which your everyday wellbeing and motivation depend.

When you join INRAE, you will be entering a working environment whose quality and diversity are above all based on the constant mobilisation and commitment of the different teams that make up the Institute’s community.

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

Support is available to all INRAE staff at welfare offices present in each Centre. A system for exceptional credits and loans is also possible for staff who are experiencing problems of a personal, family or financial nature.

Ensuring health and safety at work is a primary responsibility for any employer. Within INRAE, this duty is reflected by active policies to prevent physical, chemical and biological risks. More generally, it concerns the working conditions of all staff.

INRAE works in partnership with ADAS (Association for the Development of Social Activities) to organise various projects of a social, sports or cultural nature for full-tenure, contracted and retired staff. These actions form part of implementing shared activities that can foster personal relationships between all INRAE staff.