open registrations

Open competitions for research directors (DR2)

Updated on 18 June 2024

These open competitions are intended for experienced researchers. Research directors are recognized experts, committed to joint scientific leadership, able to design, lead, coordinate, and promote research, in particular at European and international level.

Candidates who do not belong to the French tenured civil service category of 'Chargé de recherche' (Research Scientist) must have a PhD (or equivalent) and 8 years' experience in research after PhD, or can justify scientific work judged to be equivalent to these conditions.

Each candidate will present a well thought-out, coherent project that falls within INRAE's research themes. The candidate will detail the objectives and the purpose, the human and material resources likely to be used, as well as any indications regarding the feasibility of this project. They must underline its collective dimension and its forward-looking nature.

Campaign calendar

- Opening date for applications: June 18, 2024
- Deadline for applications: August 20, 2024
- Pre-selections: October 2024
- Final selections: November 2024
- Starting date for appointments: from January 2025

Distribution of 42 positions by discipline group

- Agriculture, economic and digital data: 10
- Food, bioprocesses, microbiology: 11
- Animal and plant genetics, animal health, physiology: 12
- Environment, ecosystems, plant health: 9

Guide for applicants DR2 2024.pdf pdf - 5.12 MB

Find out more

Before any application form, we invite you to read the candidates guide carefully.

Guide for applicants (DR2 2024) pdf - 5.12 MB
  • Online application CLICK HERE Online registrations open until August 20, 2024 at 5 p.m. Paris time.

    Would you please submit an online application where all the information concerning your job application is sent together in a single file on the e-competition interface. Thank you for your understanding.

    In the event that you are unable to send in your application via the e-competition interface, please refer to the candidates guide for details on how to apply otherwise.

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