You are on a temporary assignment

Each year, INRAE has more than 3,000 contractual staff on its payroll, including 500 doctoral candidates. A charter on the recruitment, hosting and support of contractual staff is the foundation of the Institute’s human resources policy. Here are a few guidelines to help you better understand the administrative framework.

Updated on 02 January 2020

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You are hired on a contract governed by public law

INRAE is a public research establishment under the dual authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Research. Contractual staff are hired on contracts governed by public law.

Your working conditions are the same as those of tenured staff (working hours, public holidays, health and safety rules etc.) and you are given the same equipment.

All contractual staff hired at INRAE have a work contract and social protection.

You will be remunerated according to your level of qualification, experience and responsibilities. You have the right to training (subject to length of service), the right to organise, and access to benefits offered through the Institute’s social policy. Your duties and obligations are comparable to those of tenured staff.

Internal charter on contractual staff

INRAE has a charter that reflects its efforts to ensure responsible management of its contractual staff and reaffirms the Institute’s commitment to the values of solidarity, mutual respect and collective action for the sake of equality and respect of rules and individuals.

This charter aims to promote the employability of contractual staff with a professional experience at INRAE that supports skills development. It applies to all contractual staff, regardless of the reason for their recruitment under contract.

This document is divided into four commitments:

1. A clear and reciprocal commitment framework
2. Transparent and comprehensible processes and decisions
3. Comprehensive integration and support throughout the contract period
4. Support at the end of the contract period to strengthen employability

Your skills passport

Vignette - passeport de compétences

The skills passport follows on from the internal charter on contractual staff and is intended to assist employees in their career development throughout their time at INRA, help them formalise their skills, facilitate and enrich their professional reviews carried out with their manager, and prepare their future.

The skills passport is available for employees with a contract of longer than six months.

It is regularly updated throughout the contract period based on factual information about the employee’s experience. It belongs to the employee. S/he completes and updates it with his/her accomplishments, training and experiences.

Learn more

New employee handbook

The new employee handbook was designed to give you more information about how our Institute is organised and its inner workings. Each chapter was written to help you make the most of the many opportunities offered at INRAE.

19 September 2024

Paid leave and working hours

This section provides information on the number of days of paid leave you can take as well as work cycle options.

02 January 2020

Rights, obligations and code of conduct

INRAE staff members, whether they are civil servants or contractual employees, are representatives of the French state and are subject to the rights and obligations set out in the French Civil Service Code. As such, they embody the fundamental values of the French Republic and foster the values of publicly funded research.

In carrying out all their work, INRAE employees adhere to ethical values and principles of conduct, act with impartiality, integrity, dignity and probity, and seek to best serve the public interest.

In working at INRAE, staff members also promote and implement the Institute’s ongoing commitment to diversity and gender equality, its fight against discrimination, and its respect of the principle of secularism so that each person may apply their skills in an environment that recognizes and celebrates the richness of diversity and acknowledges that diversity is stimulating and promotes cohesion.

You will find below the principal rights and obligations applicable to public service employees.

12 April 2024