Your health at work

Ensuring health and safety at work is a primary responsibility for any employer. Within INRAE, this duty is reflected by active policies to prevent physical, chemical and biological risks. More generally, it concerns the working conditions of all staff.

Updated on 02 January 2020

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A health, safety and environment policy

INRAE is responsible for controlling occupational risks and their impacts through its Health, Safety and Environment policy (SSE). The aim is to eliminate or restrict the onset of dangerous phenomena, their severity and their consequences. The occupational health and safety policy adopted by INRAE includes the safety of individuals and protection of the environment and facilities while meeting several challenges at the human, social, environment, economic and legal levels.

As well as its legal obligations, INRAE’s approach is to ensure continuing improvements to quality of life at work in a safer and healthier environment.

The aims of INRAE’s Health, Safety and Environment policy are thus to:

- preserve the health of its staff;
- reduce the number and severity of occupational accidents and illnesses;
- continually and sustainably improve the safety and working conditions of all staff;
- preserve the environment, and
- protect our assets or assets that are entrusted to us.

In order to achieve these objectives, roles and responsibilities are shared at different levels of decision-making within the Institute, and have thus been organised accordingly (national, Centre and Unit).

Preventive medicine


Each INRAE ​​center has a prevention doctor. Specialized in occupational health, the preventive doctor is in charge of the medical surveillance of employees and acts in the workplace to avoid any deterioration of the physical and mental health of agents due to their work. He-She is the advisor to the administration, employees and their representatives with regard to the improvement of living and working conditions, the general hygiene of the workplace, the adaptation of positions, techniques and working rhythms to human physiology, the protection of agents against all nuisances and the risks of service accidents or diseases.

The prevention doctor will receive you when you take up duty. He-She will then follow up on your state of health by means of punctual appointments throughout your career. You also have the possibility of requesting an appointment in the event of particular medical difficulties.

The prevention of psychosocial risks

Always attentive to the health and welfare at work of its staff, INRAE has made the prevention of psychosocial risks (RPS) a priority.

The prevention of psychosocial risks is mainly based on determining and understanding the risk factors linked to the organisation of work and its conditions. These are considered to be triggers for psychosocial disorders such as stress or violence, etc.

These risk factors cover six areas:

• The intensity and duration of work,
• Emotional demands,
• A lack of independence,
• Deteriorating social relationships,
• Conflicts of values,
• Insecurity regarding the work situation.

Through a constructive and interactive approach with INRAE staff, an advisory consultation is conducted to determine psychosocial risk factors present at the scale of units, identify potential levers for improvement and implement action plans that include precise goals.  

Alongside this, INRAE has introduced quality of life indicators for its staff that can measure the efficiency of actions already implemented regarding their working experiences and initiate a sustainable dynamic of continuing improvement. These indicators contribute to collecting the views of each staff member on his/her working conditions in order to achieve an objective evaluation of the situation and develop actions in response to the desires thus expressed.

Universal Employment Services Cheques (CESU) for exceptional medical situations

You or one of your close relatives are experiencing health problems linked to the onset of a particularly serious event that leads to short-lived and exceptional partial or total disability (hospitalisation, pregnancy requiring bed rest, care for a parent or sick child): you can apply for the allocation of CESU for exceptional medical situations.

The CESU is a special payment voucher that can cover different costs related to personal services: assistance for dependent individuals, assistance from a third party, care or hospitalisation at home, psychological support, help with administrative or computer tasks, sign language interpretation, household cleaning and odd jobs, driving or childcare, etc.

The annual value of CESU can range from €350 to €1000.

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