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Social support

Support is available to all INRAE staff at welfare offices present in each Centre. A system for exceptional credits and loans is also possible for staff who are experiencing problems of a personal, family or financial nature.

Updated on 02 January 2020

illustration Social support
© Fotolia

Our network of welfare assistants

This network is responsible for listening to, advising and supporting any INRAE staff who apply, and can assist them with administrative tasks and finding solutions to professional or personal problems:

  • Professional problems:
    - adaptation to a workstation;
    - difficulties in the working environment;
    - integration following a move or recruitment;
    - preparation for retirement;
    - readjustment following lengthy leave for illness;
    - social rights.
  • Personal problems:
    - difficulty balancing the budget;
    - issues related to illness, disability or an accident;
    - accommodation;
    - individual and family law (separation, divorce, birth, death, etc.).

When both a staff member and a parent or partner is affected, problems can be addressed in a global manner that covers all aspects of life. The welfare assistants can help to solve problems alongside other INRAE networks and external partners, in an atmosphere of trust and neutrality.

Welfare assistants work with staff members within an ethical framework based on an obligation to respect professional confidentiality. They are present for sessions in all INRAE Centres.

Contact: actionsociale@inrae.fr

Social credits and loans

Benefit Description
Social loan

Under certain conditions, INRAE can help staff who are dealing with exceptional and unforeseeable family, social or medical events or problems linked to particular costs, by means of an interest-free loan.

The maximum value of an interest-free loan is €3000.

Contact: actionsociale@inrae.fr

Exceptional credits

In a critical or unpredictable situation, an exceptional, non-reimbursable credit can help staff members to deal with certain problems.

Working with the applicant, the value of this credit is determined by the welfare assistant in your Centre and/or by the Coordinator of Welfare Services.

Contact : actionsociale@inrae.fr


Learn more

A good work-life balance

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

02 January 2020

A quality workplace

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

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Dedicated and dynamic teams

When you join INRAE, you will be entering a working environment whose quality and diversity are above all based on the constant mobilisation and commitment of the different teams that make up the Institute’s community.

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