Research topics
Our research topics lie at the crossroads between agriculture, food, and the environment. We tackle questions that are central to our daily lives and that are at the heart of the global challenges that affect us all. These include enhancing food security, limiting the effects of climate change, preserving biodiversity and other resources, and ensuring a good quality of life.…

Agroecology provides a promising innovative framework for developing solutions to the major global challenges we are facing: food security, climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the depletion of natural resources. There are several agroecological techniques for ensuring good production levels while also reducing the use of inputs and preserving both soils and water resources...

Habitat modifications, depletion of resources, the introduction of invasive species, pollution, climate change—these are all global threats to biodiversity, which is experiencing a decline without precedent in our modern era...

Fires, droughts, heat waves, cold snaps, extreme precipitation, coastal erosion, avalanches, and melting glaciers—climate change will intensify all these phenomena. Because it affects the entire world, climate change will exacerbate current threats to the environment, biodiversity, and society; it will also create entirely new risks...

We are facing major global challenges—climate change, the rapid depletion of natural resources, the degradation of ecosystems, and the significant loss of biodiversity—at the same time as urbanisation and the human population are growing. This combination of circumstances is forcing us to find new ways to produce and consume goods that respect the planet's limited resources...

The food we eat occupies a central place in our lives and affects our health. Even though major advances have been made over the last decades, malnutrition is still a global problem. It can result from such factors as famine, nutrient deficiencies, excessive body mass, and obesity. If we wish to deal with food and health challenges, it is important to understand our dietary choices...

The massive scale of the challenges that the world is facing (e.g., climate change, food insecurity, loss of biodiversity) means that we must completely transform how we structure and manage our agricultural and food production systems at all decision-making scales, from the local level to the global level. Human activities have a key influence on system development...