A quality workplace

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

Updated on 02 January 2020


Exceptional premises and facilities

INRAE has unique research and experimental facilities based in 18 centres covering 10,000 hectares. It is present in almost all regions of mainland and overseas France. It has two head offices, one in Paris and the other in Antony (Paris region).

The Institute has strong regional roots with more than 70% of staff based outside the Paris region.

Job offers provide an opportunity to work in a variety of regions. 

> For more information: link to Centre pages

Vue Centre INRAE1 Vue Centre INRAE2

Cutting-edge technological equipment

INRAE has unique research and experimental facilities. These include more than 200 research units and around fifty experimental units and platforms, a network that has no equivalent in Europe:

- genetic resource centres,
- environmental observatories,
- technology platforms,
- experimental plots.

Some examples:

Centre National de Ressources Génomiques Végétales

The National Centre for Plant Genomic Resources (CNRGV) is an infrastructure unique in Europe, dedicated to studying the genomes of plants of agronomic interest.  It centralises resources, skills and technologies, and maintains permanent partnerships with the international public and private scientific communities. More than 350 laboratories throughout the world have already requested the resources of the CNRGV, and more than six million samples have been distributed since the Centre first opened.

INRAE-Occitanie Toulouse

Plateforme de phénotypage haut-débit Phéno3C

The high-throughput phenotyping platform Pheno3C can study, under semi-controlled conditions, the effects of climate change (water stress and CO2)  on the performance of arable crops in the field. Pheno3C is available for use by scientists from the public and private sectors working on phenotyping at both the national and international levels.

INRAE-Clermont Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Rennes Imaging and Structural Spectroscopy and Metabolic Platform (PRISM) in which INRAE ​​participates, in partnership with the University of Rennes, has a unique set of medical imaging equipment in Europe. The platform offers 4 types of offers: multi-modality imaging applied to the pig model, multi-scale MRI and NMR in agronomy and food industry, MRI and SRM of small animals and clinical applications, structural and biological NMR spectroscopy.


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A good work-life balance

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

02 January 2020

You passed an INRAE competitive exam

When you pass one of INRAE’s competitive recruitment exams, you will join the ranks of France’s civil servants. You initially have the status of trainee civil servant, which will then become tenured civil servant following the successful completion of your training period. Here are a few guidelines to help you understand career development at INRAE.

02 January 2020