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INRAE is recruiting research scientists: applications until July 19, 2024

This recruitment campaign is aimed principally at researchers at the beginning of their careers who have already shown their ability to produce research of excellence under supervision, attested by high-level publications.

Updated on 06 June 2024

illustration INRAE is recruiting research scientists: applications until July 19, 2024

To apply for this open competition, you must have a doctorate. There is no nationality requirement.

You must be prepared to work independently and propose an ambitious research project in INRAE’s main areas of research: Agriculture, Food, Environment. 

In accordance with the missions assigned to INRAE research staff, you must not only contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge in your fields of expertise but also help transfer the results of their research to society: social and economic applications, dissemination of scientific and technical information, training in and through research, and developing scientific exchanges with other countries. You must above all make progress on the research topic given to you and systematically publish the results obtained.

Calendar 2024

- opening date for applications: May 28, 2024
- deadline for applications: July 19, 2024
- pre-selections (on application file): between October 1 and 4, 2024
- final selections (by interview): between December 10, 2024 and January 15, 2025
- starting date: from March, 2025

Consult registration conditions


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Rights, obligations and code of conduct

INRAE staff members, whether they are civil servants or contractual employees, are representatives of the French state and are subject to the rights and obligations set out in the French Civil Service Code. As such, they embody the fundamental values of the French Republic and foster the values of publicly funded research.

In carrying out all their work, INRAE employees adhere to ethical values and principles of conduct, act with impartiality, integrity, dignity and probity, and seek to best serve the public interest.

In working at INRAE, staff members also promote and implement the Institute’s ongoing commitment to diversity and gender equality, its fight against discrimination, and its respect of the principle of secularism so that each person may apply their skills in an environment that recognizes and celebrates the richness of diversity and acknowledges that diversity is stimulating and promotes cohesion.

You will find below the principal rights and obligations applicable to public service employees.

12 April 2024

Paid leave and working hours

This section provides information on the number of days of paid leave you can take as well as work cycle options.

02 January 2020

A quality workplace

When you join INRAE, you will benefit from excellent working conditions thanks to the Institute’s outstanding premises and facilities and its cutting-edge technological equipment.

02 January 2020