Junior research scientist in sociology of local water-food-energy policies


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INRAE presentation

INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment, is a public research organization bringing together 12,000 employees across 272 units in 18 centers across France. As the world’s leading institute specializing in agriculture, food, and the environment, INRAE plays a key role in supporting the necessary transitions to address global challenges.

Faced with population growth, food security challenges, climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss, INRAE is committed to developing scientific solutions and supporting the evolution of agricultural, food, and environmental practices.

INRAE is recruiting researchers by open competition and offering permanent position.

Work environment, missions and activities

You will be assigned to the Sadapt joint research unit (Plateau de Saclay), whose research focuses on territorialized agrifood systems through three priority themes: 1. Cross-disciplinary approaches for public action and territorial development; 2. Food and urban agricultures; 3. Rethinking and redesigning agrifood systems. 
You will join a research collective studying the transition to sustainable agri-urban territories. This group brings together researchers in agronomy, planning, economics, and geography. You will collaborate with these researchers, and more particularly with an environmental and public action sociologist. 
You will benefit from financial and human support from the Sadapt joint research unit and its supervisory bodies (INRAE, AgroParisTech, Paris-Saclay University). You will also be able to develop relationships with Inrae units working on similar themes (Geste joint research unit, G-Eau, Innovation, Lisis). 
Your sociological research programme will analyze the interplay of actors involved in territorial policies based on a “water, food and energy” nexus approach. The first area will be the Ile-de-France where agricultural diversification policies are being developed to provide local food and "green gas" to neighbouring populations. 
However, the desired increase in vegetable crops and energy crops that require more water and inputs, combined with the problem of supplying an area around Paris of 10 million inhabitants with drinking water, puts pressure on water resources, accentuated by climate change. 
Rooted in sociology of public action, your research will study how the question of water is becoming a public problem (or at least shared), at the crossroads of food, energy, and environmental issues. You will analyse the controversies and the chain of operations (framework, publicizing, incentive) that aim to qualify, measure, and assess water needs. 
You will then highlight the confrontation or alignment of the guidelines of the various agri-urban public action schemes. Your investigation will target the stakeholders involved in these schemes (institutional stakeholders, food industries and energy companies, associations, farmers, inhabitants). 
Conducted initially in Ile-de-France, your research could enable comparisons on different scales of public action or in other national contexts.

Training and skills

PhD or equivalent

Competition open to candidates with a PhD (or equivalent). A PhD in social sciences: sociology or political science is recommended. Theoretical and methodological skills in public policy analysis would be highly appreciated. 
The ability to study the intersections between agricultural, food, energy and/or ecological public policies would be appreciated. 
An interest in multidisciplinary work with agronomists and geographers working on land planning and water policies is recommended. 
Fluency in French is also highly desirable. Candidates should have a good command of English (both written and spoken), and long-term international experience would also be desirable. Successful candidates who have not yet acquired this experience abroad will be required to do so after their probationary period (1st year).

INRAE's life quality

By joining our teams, you benefit from:

- 30 days of annual leave + 15 days "Reduction of Working Time" (for a full time);
- parenting support: CESU childcare, leisure services;
- skills development systems: training, career advise;
- social support: advice and listening, social assistance and loans;
- holiday and leisure services: holiday vouchers, accommodation at preferential rates;
sports and cultural activities;
- collective catering.

For international scientists: please visit your guide to facilitate your arrival and stay at INRAE

How to apply

  1. I download the applicant guide Application guidelines CRCN 2025 pdf - 3.93 MB
  2. I write down the profile number CR-2025-ACT-2
  3. I apply GO

All persons employed by or hosted at INRAE, a public research establishment, are subject to the Civil Service Code, particularly with regard to the obligation of neutrality and respect for the principle of secularism. In carrying out their functions, whether or not they are in contact with the public, they must not express their religious, philosophical or political convictions through their behaviour or by what they wear.  > Find out more: fonction website (in French)

Offer reference

  • Profile number: CR-2025-ACT-2
  • Corps: CRCN
  • Category: A
  • Open competition number: 1
  • Salary based on experience: Minimum €2,708 with an average starting salary of €3,818 (gross/month).

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