2 min

Create your job alert in less than a minute!

The INRAE Jobs site allows you to create personalized job alerts to get emails whenever there are new posts for temporary job offers or recruitment drives for permanent positions that match your criteria.

Updated on 26 September 2024

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It's quick and easy: just 3 steps 


You don't have to create an account. We only need your job search criteria and an email address.

1st step: Choose the kind of job

INRAE is a public employer, and as such, we offer:
- temporary positions to carry out ad-hoc assignments;
- permanent positions to join INRAE and the French public service on a long-term basis.

2nd step: Your job search criteria

- If you are looking for a temporary position: please state your geographic preferences, the type of contract (a temporary assignment, thesis, postdoc, internship, apprenticeship contract) and your chosen professional field or scientific discipline. 

- If you are looking for a permanent position: please indicate the type of recruitment campaign that corresponds to your profile. We offer three types of campaign: competitive examinations (for all job-seekers, from those with vocational training certificates [CAP] to those with doctorate degrees); disability (for people with disabilities); and mobility (for those who are already French public service employees or have on-going public service contracts). 

3rd step: Validate your job search

You only need to tell us your email address. We won't ask for any other information. Once you have created a job alert, based on the type of alert you have made, you will get an email as soon as a temporary position that matches your criteria is published on the INRAE Jobs site and/or a relevant recruitment campaign opens.

Creating a personalised job alert

Learn more

What does a competitive examination involve?

Competitive examinations are a gateway to public sector employment, and the main recruitment process for permanent positions. The objective is to guarantee access to all while respecting equal treatment for each candidate.

28 January 2020

You are on a temporary assignment

Each year, INRAE has more than 3,000 contractual staff on its payroll, including 500 doctoral candidates. A charter on the recruitment, hosting and support of contractual staff is the foundation of the Institute’s human resources policy. Here are a few guidelines to help you better understand the administrative framework.

02 January 2020

A good work-life balance

To favour a positive work-life balance (private, professional and community activities, etc.), INRAE can offer arrangements and services to facilitate the organisation of your work, support your family events and provide access to holidays and leisure and sports activities.

02 January 2020