Accessibility: not compliant

INRAE undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions: conducting a compliance audit in 2020.
This accessibility statement applies to

State of compliance does not comply with the general accessibility improvement standard.

Compliance test

The compliance audit is pending.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This declaration was drawn up on 06 January 2020.

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

Send a message to


This procedure is to be used in the following case.

You have reported a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any of the content or services of the portal to the website manager and you have not received a satisfactory response.